PRIJAVI SE SIGN UP IS OVER Privacy Policy - By agreeing, I consent to the sharing of the provided information between BEST International, LBG Belgrade, and participating companies of BCD Ime Prezime (Name and Surname) Email Kontakt telefon (Telephone number) Stepen studije (Degree of Studies) —Молимо вас изаберите опцију—Osnovne Akademske Studije ( Bachelors Degree)Master Specijalističke studije (Masters Degree)Other... Other Da li si student Univerziteta u Beogradu? (Are you a student of the University of Belgrade) —Молимо вас изаберите опцију—Da(Yes)Ne(No) Fakultet (Faculty) Polje studija (Field of studies) Računarstvo (Computer Science)Informacione Tehnologije (Information Technology)Elekrotehnika (Electrical Engineering)Mašinstvo (Mechanical Engineering)Građevinarstvo (Civil Engineering)Softversko Inženjerstvo (Software Engineering)Biomedicinsko inženjerstvo (Biomedical Engineering)Hemijsko inženjerstvo (Chemical Engineering)Industrijsko Inženjerstvo (Industrial Engineering)Other... Other Da li ste trenutno zaposleni? (Are you currently employed?) —Молимо вас изаберите опцију—Da(Yes)Ne(No) Prijavljujem se za(I am applying for): Imajte u vidu da se neke od radionica dešavaju uporedo tako da ćete biti blagovremeno obavešteni na koje radionice ste primljeni (Please note that some workshops may occur simultaneously. You will be promptly notified of the workshops for which you have been selected.) Delivery of a Startup Workshop by SiemensSkillForge: Professional Growth and Effective Communication by IT Labs CV Upload PDF format. Max size 6MB. Karnegijeva 4, 11 000 Beograd +381 11 3370 545